George Orwell – La Granja De Animales Filetype Pdf

george orwell picIntroduction to George Orwell

George Orwell, whose real name was Eric Arthur Blair, was a renowned British author and journalist. Born on June 25, 1903, Orwell is best known for his influential works that explore political and social themes. His works, including “1984” and “Animal Farm,” have gained significant recognition for their powerful critique of totalitarianism and the abuse of power.

Overview of “La Granja De Animales”

“La Granja De Animales,” also known as “Animal Farm,” is one of George Orwell’s most celebrated novels. Published in 1945, it is a satirical allegory that vividly depicts the events leading up to the Russian Revolution and the early years of the Soviet Union. The story takes place on Manor Farm, where the animals rise up against their human oppressors, led by the pigs. The novel explores themes of corruption, power, and the dangers of totalitarian regimes.

Themes and Symbolism in the Novel

Corruption of Power

One of the central themes in “La Granja De Animales” is the corruption of power. Orwell illustrates how the pigs, who initially advocate for equality and liberation, gradually become corrupted by their newfound authority. They manipulate the other animals, rewrite the rules, and create a hierarchical system that mirrors the tyranny they once fought against. This theme serves as a cautionary tale about the potential for power to corrupt even the most noble intentions.

Class Struggle

Another significant theme in the novel is the class struggle. Orwell uses the animals’ rebellion against their human masters to symbolize the struggle of the working class against oppressive regimes. Initially, all the animals are equal, but as the pigs consolidate power, a distinct hierarchy emerges. The pigs exploit the labor of the other animals, reflecting the social and economic inequalities that often accompany revolutions.

Propaganda and Manipulation

“La Granja De Animales” highlights the role of propaganda and manipulation in maintaining power. The pigs, particularly Napoleon, use various tactics to control and deceive the other animals. They revise history, spread lies, and employ fear to silence dissent. Orwell warns readers about the dangers of blind allegiance and the manipulation of information by those in power.

Analysis of Major Characters

Old Major

Old Major, an aging boar, serves as the catalyst for the animals’ rebellion. His dream of a society where animals live free from human exploitation inspires the other animals to rise up. Old Major represents Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin, whose revolutionary ideas laid the foundation for the Russian Revolution.


Napoleon, a Berkshire boar, emerges as the primary antagonist in the novel. He represents Joseph Stalin, the Soviet leader who manipulated the revolution for his own gain. Napoleon’s lust for power leads him to betray the principles of Animalism, ultimately transforming him into a tyrant.


Snowball, a clever and charismatic pig, initially shares leadership with Napoleon. He represents Leon Trotsky, a key figure in the early Soviet Union. Snowball’s vision for the farm aligns with the principles of the revolution, but he is eventually ousted by Napoleon and becomes a scapegoat for the farm’s problems.

Historical Context and Relevance

“La Granja De Animales” is deeply rooted in the historical context of the Russian Revolution and the subsequent rise of totalitarianism. Orwell draws parallels between the events in the novel and the real-life struggles for power during that time. By satirizing these events, Orwell offers a critical commentary on the corruption and betrayal often associated with revolutionary movements.

Critical Reception of the Novel

“La Granja De Animales” has received widespread acclaim for its powerful storytelling and profound social commentary. Orwell’s ability to convey complex ideas through allegory and satire has cemented the novel as a literary masterpiece. Its examination of power dynamics and totalitarianism continues to resonate with readers across generations.

Impact and Legacy of “La Granja De Animales”

The impact of “La Granja De Animales” extends far beyond its initial publication. Orwell’s novel has become a classic in both English and Spanish literature, inspiring countless readers and writers. Its themes of political corruption, the dangers of unchecked power, and the importance of critical thinking remain highly relevant in today’s world.


In conclusion, “La Granja De Animales” by George Orwell is a thought-provoking novel that delves into the complexities of power, corruption, and manipulation. Through vivid allegory, Orwell presents a cautionary tale that transcends time and place. The characters, themes, and historical context all contribute to the enduring significance of this remarkable work.


  1. Is “La Granja De Animales” available in PDF format?
    • Yes, “La Granja De Animales” by George Orwell is available in PDF format. You can find it on various online platforms or digital libraries.
  2. How does “La Granja De Animales” relate to the Russian Revolution?
    • “La Granja De Animales” draws parallels to the Russian Revolution by using animal characters and events to symbolize the key players and moments of that historical period.
  3. What are some other notable works by George Orwell?
    • Apart from “La Granja De Animales,” George Orwell is also renowned for his novel “1984,” which portrays a dystopian future under a totalitarian regime.
  4. What is the significance of the pigs in “La Granja De Animales”?
    • The pigs in “La Granja De Animales” symbolize the ruling class and those who exploit power for their own benefit, reflecting the corrupting influence of authority.
  5. What is the central message of “La Granja De Animales”?
    • The central message of “La Granja De Animales” is the warning against the abuse of power, the dangers of propaganda, and the need for constant vigilance to protect against tyranny.


George Orwell – La Granja De Animales Filetype Pdf

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